Inclusion as the HOW® for Retaining Talent

Over a four-year period, The Kaleel Jamison Consulting Group, Inc., helped a division of a sales/manufacturing company to increase retention and performance through Inclusion as the HOW. Our work encompassed a broad spectrum of elements:

  • Partnering with, supporting, and coaching senior leaders to lead the change effort.
  • Developing internal competencies for leading and managing a diverse organization.
  • Working with the division’s diversity committee to ensure that policies and procedures would support the environment that the organization wanted to create.
  • Developing, educating, and partnering with a core group of internal change agents.
  • Working to connect all strategic efforts in the organization (leadership, empowerment, diversity, and quality).
  • Guiding senior leaders through a downsizing process while maintaining this initiative, and clarifying the necessary supports for leveraging Inclusion as the HOW as the organization moved forward.
  • Developing a system of accountability for increased performance and use of Inclusion as the HOW.

We provided a significant catalyst for change by helping the organization realize that every lost employee cost approximately $100,000 in training and recruitment. A key strategy capitalized on one of the organization’s existing core values—physical safety—and extended it to include emotional safety as well.