Ideas are the engine that drives organizational success. They are the wellspring for innovation and creativity. When people feel a level of safety in their interactions, it speeds up making problems visible and accelerates decision-making. When people DON’T feel that sense of safety to speak up, it creates waste: people work around colleagues or departments, or don’t share information. While many organizations say that level of safety is aspired to as a norm, few organizations and workplaces are achieving it. In this session, we’ll discuss how to create an OD change intervention related to interaction safety and how that impacts individual and organizational performance. We’ll explore how safety differs within and is affected by levels of system, how to diagnose the Four Levels of interaction safety, and what actions leaders, practitioners and individuals can take to increase interaction safety and move their teams and organizations to higher levels of performance.
While many organizations say that level of safety is aspired to as a norm, few organizations and workplaces are achieving it.
In this session, we’ll discuss how to create an OD change intervention related to interaction safety and how that impacts individual and organizational performance. We’ll explore how safety differs within and is affected by levels of system, how to diagnose the Four Levels of interaction safety, and what actions leaders, practitioners and individuals can take to increase interaction safety and move their teams and organizations to higher levels of performance.
For more information about the ODN Presentation, click here.