New article - Leaders Getting Different

Fred & Judith’s newest article, Leaders Getting Different: It’s Time to Unleash Agency for Individual, Team, and Organizational Betterment was just published in Leader to Leader magazine.

From the Abstract:

The authors examine and explain “individual and team agency.” Their definition: “Ensuring all people, of all roles, levels, tenure, and identities have the power, influence, and voice to make choices and decisions related to their jobs and the betterment of their organization.” In discussing the role of senior leaders within this context, they quote Christopher Del Vecchio, President and Chief Executive Officer/CEO of MVP Health Care; Rich Dewey, CEO of New York Independent Systems Operator (NYISO); Hal Yoh, CEO of Day and Zimmermann (D&Z); and Dr. Wendi Williams, Provost and Senior Vice President, Fielding Graduate University. In creating a culture of agency, the authors recount four key actions/steps for leaders; in their words: identify the need for greater agency; test organizational readiness for change; Create a FROM→TO Culture Vision; and Identify the New Narrative and Mindsets to Support the TO State. They provide seven “Senior Leader Self-Assessment Questions.” The final question is “To what extent do you, as a leader, foster an environment of interaction safety, individually and as a leadership team, in which people feel the freedom to speak up and raise tough issues?”

Click below to read a complimentary copy of the article:

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